Novell Message Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ALL INFORMATION 1. Configure the migration utility Working directory: 2. Configure the source server Logged on to correct domain (%s): Is this the domain you want to migrate? Select information to migrate to NetWare Information to be migrated: Data files Trustee assignments Users Groups User restrictions Default account restrictions Not auditing information Aliases Print queues and print servers (SELECTED INFORMATION) You have selected conflicting items from the list. Please re-examine the list and select items again. You must select at least one item from the list. Error/warning action: Select error/warning action Pause after errors and warnings Do not pause after errors and warnings Source volumes to migrate: Select volumes to be migrated to NetWare (VOLUMES SELECTED) 3. Define the destination server NetWare 3.11 Server: Select destination NetWare 3.11 server Volume destinations: Source volume NetWare v3.11 destination volume and directory Specify destination volume and directory NetWare 2x (v2.1 - v2.2) IBM LAN Server 1.3 (1.2 - 1.3) IBM LAN Server 1.0 (1.0 - 1.1) IBM PCLP NetWare 3x (3.01 - 3.11) NetWare 2x (2.1 - 2.2) NetWare 2.0a NetWare Lite Select source LAN type The source LAN chosen is not yet supported. Standard migration Custom migration Select migration option Migration cannot be completed. You must establish a connection to the source server specified. (Default) The specified directory does not exist, create? The drive specified is not valid. Please enter a valid drive letter. The drive where the working directory is located does not have enough disk space. There must be a minimum of five Megabytes free. 2. Define the source server NetWare 2x (2.0a - 2.2) Alt-F1 More function keys Enter Select migration option Previous menu Select source LAN type Select 'Standard migration' if you want to migrate all information and you have not used this utility before. Select 'Custom migration' if you've used this utility before and want to choose specific migration options. Highlight the LAN you are migrating from and press Enter. Accept the default, or press Enter to edit the directory where the migration utility will store the migration reports and LAN administrative information work files. Press Enter to select error/warning prompt options. Select migration action Select this option to be prompted whether to continue after each error or warning. All errors are listed in the report file. Select this option if you do not want to be prompted after each error or warning. All errors are listed in the report file. Select source NetWare 2x server Select information to migrate Select volumes to migrate Select destination server Select destination vol/dir Press Enter to select the source NetWare v2.x (2.0a - 2.2) server. Press Enter to select which LAN information to migrate. Press Enter to select which data volumes to migrate data files and/or trustee assignments from. Press Enter to select the destination NetWare 3.11 Server. Press Enter to specify the destination for each volume you have chosen to migrate. Cancel selection Select error/warning action Select/deselect item Other servers Select volumes to migrate Done selecting volumes Cancel Specify a volume and directory Insert from list Destination path complete 133 : A directory specified in the path was longer than the 8.3 DOS standard. Continue the migration Stop the migration Select action The Escape key was pressed during the migration process. Please select an action. Select action Select action The space bar was pressed during the migration process. Please select an action. A migration error has occurred and is displayed in the migration log above. (Y=Yes/N=No/I=Ignore errors) You may continue with the migration or stop the migration, rectify the problem, and then perform the migration again. Cancel migration action selection Migrate from NetWare 2x to NetWare 3x Migrate from NetWare 2x to the working directory Migrate from the working directory to NetWare 3x Exit (return to DOS) Select this option to perform the complete migration (as configured) from NetWare 2.x to NetWare 3.11. Select this option to migrate the slected categories to the working directory. (Data Files cannot be migrated with this option.) Select this option to migrate the selected categories from the working directory to the destination NetWare v3.11 server. Select this option to terminate the utility. When you restart the utility, you can return to this point. View migration reports Select this option to view previouly generated migration reports. Select migration action Migrate 103 : NWParsePath failure with %s. Migrate Migration cannot be completed. The only information that has been selected to be migrated are the data files, however, data files are not stored in the Working Directory so an attempt to migrate to or from the Working Directory will not perform any work. Select a server where you are logged in as a supervisor or as a supervisor equivalent user, or press Insert to select another server. Select server To migrate all information, accept the default ALL INFORMATION. To migrate specific information, select each item by pressing F5. Select as many items as necessary. Select the volumes to migrate data from by highlighting a volume and pressing F5. Select as many volumes as necessary. Accept the default, or press Enter to specify an alternate NetWare volume and directory. Press F10 when done. Type the NetWare volume and directory you want to migrate the data files to, or press Insert to list available volumes and directories. Highlight the directory you want to migrate data files to, then press Enter to select it. Press F10 when the destination path is complete. Highlight the volume you want to migrate data files to, then select it by pressing Enter. Press F10 when the destination path is complete. Select directory Done selecting directories Done selecting SPACE BAR Stop the migration Pause migration This report shows the administrative information that is being migrated. This information is also written to the report file specified in the header. Continue migration The escape key was pressed during the migration process. Please select an action. You must specify a destination server before specifying the source volumes' destinations. Delete all marked migration reports? 102 : You must specify a working directory before proceeding. Migrating... (Log File: %s) View log file %s. 134: The specified path points to a file, not a directory. Close report Scroll up Scroll down The drive specified is not ready. Check to see that there is a disk in the drive, and that the door is closed. Then re-specify the working directory. You must specify a valid working directory before the migration utility can proceed. Use the Up and Down Arrow keys and the Page Up and Down keys to scroll through the report. The selected server version is %d.%d. NetWare v%s is required. Select a server to attach to. Enter a user name that is supervisor equivalent. Enter the password for the user name. The password is not be echoed. Select Yes to log out from the server. Select No to remained logged in to the server You have not selected any source volumes to migrate. Select the volumes to migrate using the Source Volumes to Migrate field, then specify the volumes destination. Migration report files Press Enter to view the highlighted report, or press Delete to delete the report. Return to migration menu View a migration report Delete report Migration Menu Accounting charge rates Delete migration report %s? Select Yes to start the migration. Select No if you do not want to start the migration now. Begin migration from NetWare 2x to the working directory? Migration from the NetWare v2.x source server to the working directory is finished. (DESTINATIONS SPECIFIED) Now copying data files to the destination server Do you want to continue with the migration? Data file and directory attributes Begin migration from NetWare 2x to NetWare 3.11? Begin migration from the working directory to NetWare 3.11? Assign random passwords Assign no passwords The working directory specified does not have Read, Write and Create rights. There is no connection to the server for the specified working directory. Please enter a working directory on a server you are currently connected to, or on a local drive. You are not logged in to this server as a supervisor equivalent user. Please select another server, or log out of this server, and log back in as a supervisor, then select the server. Logout Migration from the NetWare v2.x source server to the NetWare v3.11 destination server is finished. Migration from the working directory to the NetWare v3.11 destination server is finished. Passwords: Assign passwords? If you assign random passwords, random passwords are given to each migrated user and print server that had a password on the source server, and are stored in the file NEW.PWD in SYS:SYSTEM on the destination server. The users that receive random passwords are prompted to change their password the first time they log in to the destination server. If you do not assign passwords, they are not created for migrated users. Users are given empty passwords, and are not prompted to change their password when they log in. Choose whether to assign random passwords for the migrated users on the destination server. Select password assignment Invalid server/volume specified. %d total errors or warnings encountered during migration operation. No errors or warnings encountered during migration operation. Migration cannot be completed. You must select a source server to migrate from. Migration cannot be completed. You must select information to migrate. Migration cannot be completed. You must select the destination server to migrate to. Migration cannot be completed. You must specify the volumes destination. Migration cannot be completed. You must select source volumes to migrate. The destination directory does not exist, create? The destination name must contain a server and volume name. Volume %s does not exist on the destination server. Please re-edit. (Use Insert to get lists of available directories and volumes.) 105 : Memory allocation failure. Restart this utility after configuring DOS for more memory. 106 : You cannot create more than 999 migration reports. Delete some reports and try again. 107 : Failed to open report file. 108 : Write to report file failed. 109 : DOS find first call failed for %s. 110 : Failed to delete report file %s. 111 : Attempt to create screen portal failed. 112 : Attempt made to scroll to negative scroll line %d. 113 : DisplayText failed with error %d. 114 : fseek failed with error %d. 115 : fgets failed with error %d. 116 : ftell failed with error %d. 117 : Failed to create the Generic Migration Format (GMF) database because of error %d. 118 : Failed to write to destination bindery. Error %d. 119 : Failed to open migration report. Error %d. 120 : Failed to open the Generic Migration Format database. Error %d. 121 : Failed to get connection ID. Error %d. 122 : Failed to create the directory. Error %d. 123 : Failed to get the current working directory. Error %d. 124 : Failed to change drives. Error %d. 125 : Failed to change directories. Error %d. 126 : Failed to get effective rights. Error %d. 127 : Failed to get file server information. Error %d. 128 : DOS _fullpath call failed on path %s. 129 : Failed to make directory %s. Press Enter to edit the directory where the migration utility will store the migration reports and LAN Administrative information work files. Press Enter again if the default is acceptable. 130 : Attempt to allocate memory while migrating to destination LAN failed. 131 : Attempt to allocate memory while migrating from source LAN failed. 132 : Failed to read source Bindery. Error %d. You must specify a source server before specifying the source volumes to migrate. You must select Users in order to select User Restrictions. WARNING! You have no connection to the source server. If you are performing a same-server migration, you should not change this field, otherwise you'll not be able to complete the migration. DO YOU WANT TO REINITIALIZE THIS FIELD? (Y=Yes/N=No):